Monday, October 26, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I'm sitting here alone in turmoil
My mind a whirling race of thoughts
My body aching from the constant tension
My heart weakened by fear and loathing

The loneliness has overtaken my sanity
I can no longer feel the pain or anger
My mind has taken a vacation from reality
my time in this endless night seems infinite

How i wish that i could find the strength
Remove myself from this hidden room
Leave all this anguish alone and deprived
Begin to feel the world around me again.

Have you ever felt these feelings. Desperation beyond what we normally classify as being blue. These depressive states can all but consume every waking minute of your life and can ultimately destroy any energy that you have to even function in normal life. I have for years been in these states and it had practically turned me into a glob of human garbage not caring what happened to me or what i would ever accomplish. through my therapy i have regained my ability to recognize that i deserve more than i was giving myself. I am no longer accepting this state as a fact of my life. i would love to hear some of your ideas and opinions and maybe even your stories of depression. through support and talking we can achieve so much together definitely more than we can alone. Bye for now

Sunday, October 11, 2009

from the day you were born and enetered my life
each passing moment of time was a blessing
no matter the times good or bad or lifes curves 
you gave my life meaning and joy beyond words.

each little step that you were taking and falls
were precious and were embedded in my mind
how many times i just wanted to hold you forever
in my loving arms always to keep you safe.

you are and have been the meaning of my life
bringing happiness and joy to all aspects of my life
ever to watch in amazement at your innocence
ever to bask in the proudness i feel in you.

you wonder who you are to me sometimes i see
how i never wish you to feel alone or confused
never to want you to feel alone or unloved
you are my children the loves of my life.

my children you are now and forever blessed i am
the glow of youth and love you give unconditionally
that love i also give to you and ten fold
i want the best for you always and forever.

my children i love you all more than words can say
these feelings of joy and exasperation abound
i hope that you can feel the love i have for you
never alone will you be until i draw my last breath.
if love were but a running stream
whos waters were of the purest
unclouded by the obstacles of life
forever to remain pure and flowing.

oh how i long for love to last
to shield me from this life of loneliness
the touch of a loving hand on your skin
ever so gently making you shudder.

is there love still in this evil world
love that can pushback the darkness
love that can protect you from pain
envelope you in its warm sweet caress.

if love can be forever and life so short
than why has love forsaken so many in time
is that love we share only a shallow remnant
of what actually love was intended to be

do we share love only as a stepping stone
is there something greater that we long for inside
is love but a tool used to provide our wants
or is love a need that we dont quite understand.

love to me is a mist of water showering down
and endless trickle of yourself shared with another
a warm mist of caring and comfort in darkness
spreading light to each of you and a path of safety

love to me is looking into the light in their eyes
seeing your future of family and kindness abound
seeing the same light returned in a glance
and knowing that they are forever and happy.

love to me is also the hurt thats caused inside
love can cause pain beyond all reason and fear
love is kind, but can be also be the monster
love can destroy the bare essence of yourself

love can warm your heart, soul and mind
love can also tear your heart and mind to shreds
love can bless you with happiness and bliss
love can also rip your life from your control

love is a path with 2 different trails branched
love, the path of truth, compassion and kindness
love, the path of pain, indifference and hurtfullness
oh how i wish the first path to be the most used.

i say that love can be forever and lasting
the one who loves must never relax on its creating
love is a work in progress as life is also 
love should never take a back seat to troubles.

i say that love is fleeting if left in a closet
ever to ruin all that it has delivered to life
work on love i say to the masses of the lonely
love can replace all the bad or bring it with it

i say that love is a piece of ourselves given
and as ourselves shouldnt be forgotten or misplaced
love is a piece of us just as hand or a foot
love is forever inbedded in what we want in life

love should never be taken for granted or forgotten
love should be embraced and never used to cause pain
love should be to show warmth, caring and devotion
to those we share ourselves with not against them.

if love were but a running stream
whos waters were of the purest
unclouded by the obstacles of life
forever to remain pure and flowing.

please love forever and your life shall reap the benefits and rewards. give as you recieve and your happiness and contentment shall last forever.

as i sit here lost and confused
my burdens overtaking my heart and mind
i remember the tranquility of love
the warmth of your embrace.

i still feel the tingle of your touch
the smell of flowers from your skin
i quiver at the thought of your beauty
realizing that the moments are gone.

i long for the warmth of your smile
the light of love from your beautifel eyes
i miss the feeling of your hand in mine
i feel the loss of your love for me.

what sweet sorrow as i think of your love
your beauty lighting up a room with each step
wishing to see you ever so close to me again
longing for the loving embrace forever.

the most beautiful woman in the world 
is the only description coming to my mind
that still is a far cry from my feelings
as no one thing could describe your perfection.

the loss of your love is unbearable to me
the loss of your smile that sent chills
the loss of the warmth of your gaze
the utter loss of your love leaves me breathless.

as i walk thru this endless night 
my burdens overwelm my senses 
how i wish but for a moment of clear thought
so to see the path that is in front of me

how i wonder and look for meaning to my strife
i can find no rythme or reason for its being
thru countless years and moments of searching
no clear solution has come to me as of yet

are trials and tribulations the norm of life
or do we by chance create them ourselves
is luck or bad luck really existent to us
or do we just use these to deter our own guilt

i feel sometimes that ive created my woes
i feel that maybe i deserve to pay for my mistakes
on caution i ask were these mistakes i made
or just random happenings no real cause to blame

how i wish i could redo some things in life
then wouldnt that be admitting mistakes
wouldnt that answer my questions im seeking
i feel im caught on an endless spinning wheel

darkness has fallen on me one last time
as i sit here wondering these questions 
have i totally lost my touch with reality
or am i seeking the ultimate question

the meaning of life 

clouded are my personal judgements
shrouded in darkness and loneliness
forever it seems gone the light
my old enemy depression has come home.

gone are the moments of happiness
gone are the moments of creative thought
gone are the moments of energized living
my old enemy depression has come home.

living with depression roosting on my shoulders
the misery it brings and strangling torture
wishing for one ounce of your life back
hazed in a land of confusing cruelty.

depression sucks the life from its playmates
leaving their used to be lively bodies to wither
removing all remnants of ones self worth
deeply inhibiting the life to come out.

sitting here under depressions weight
i feel as tho my body is not my own
my mind wonders to times of being alive
motion no longer seems to be in my grasp.

how did i come to this crossroad of pain
waiting for the endless night to pass
feeling ever so torn from my family and friends
feeling the loneliness that this dark shroud brings.

shall i ever feel the love again and the spark
shall my life energy force ever bloom again
will my mind ever wonder and dream of better
or shall i sit and rot in my own anguish.

depression you have come home to roost
oh what bitter sweet sorrow you bring
please leave me and let me live once more
take your dreariness far from my home.

leave me in peace you monster of life stealing
may the remnants of you not haunt me evermore
let me feel the wind on my face once again
leave me alone leave this place.

my heart and mind give no safe haven for you
i have now recognized you for what you are
i want my life back you wicked lifestealer 
take your darkness and bother me no more.